Your best friends, the Backyardigans

For those of you who are parents or have young family members, you may be familiar with the show The Backyardigans. For me, I have spent MANY-a-days watching this show whenever I visit my little munchkin cousin Joey. (To the point where I find myself randomly singing or humming songs from it from time to time haha) It was his 3rd birthday, so as a gift from his Auntie Justine, I made a fabulous Backyardigans cupcake tier.  It was quite a challenge to take on, since I had done my online research of pictures to see how others had made it, and boy were they terrrrrrible! I started to doubt whether I could actually pull it off since even professionals had failed to do so. BUT I had made my committment and it was either that or Yo Gabba Gabba, and the latter was just plain creepy and unacceptable. So I set forth with the challenge.. and totally exceeded my own expectations

HANDS DOWN, my greatest achievement!

(I took these pictures before I got around to cleaning the cornstarch off of them)

The whole gang! (well, minus Austin) A personalized touch – each of the Backyardigans holding the letters of Joey’s name

Backyardigans Cake

Backyardigans, Tasha and Uniqua!

Backyardigans, Pablo and Tyrone!

Backyardigans Cupcake Tier


I credit Kyle’s dad for building me my cupcake tier to make this possible. It’s the perfect platform for a kids party. Great cake on top and no-mess cupcakes to hand out. These were vanilla cupcakes (perhaps I should start forcing others to branch out to different flavors haha) filled with a chocolate-cool whip pudding mixture.

The real things:

The Real Backyardigans

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